
code~words week 12.


Here’s my final work. In the final class we went through the website Karen and Andy made showcasing all the students works. It was really fun to see all the cool stuff all the other students have been working on this semester.


Week 12! Time flies when you’re having fun and this semester have been pretty fun. I’ve really enjoyed this studio. Learning code and how to apply it to design has opened some new doors in my mind about the future of design and my own career. With zero previous coding experience I loved learning a new skill and critically applying it to my assignment, it made me use part of my brain I haven’t used much since school.

Personally exploring language and communication in my own project was really fun. I really enjoyed learning about electronic literature in the early weeks as well as the modular typography. The House of Leaves task was really interesting (I actually bought and read the book, very cool) and I’m proud of the video my group made.

This studio has really changed how I think about my own future with design and encouraged me to embrace new technologies. I’ve become very interested in the potential of creative coding and other new technologies like AI and machine learning, as well as generative design. In a very competitive design industry I think having the ability to use these new technologies will help me stand out a bit.

I hope to continue with some personal coding projects over the break, I’m interested in looking into some audio-visual stuff for live music next (I’ve already started looking at some tutorials for touchDesigner), but also to expand on my major assignment. I hope using these new technologies can be something I do more of in the future.

Thanks Andy and Karen! Definitely my favourite class so far in the whole course, hope to do more like it in my final year (typography one sounded cool, sign me up :) ).

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